Friday, July 10, 2009

MiAmor[16]; When everything feels right...something always has to go wrong...

deticated too cupid.. iloveu;*
Incoming Call.


"na3ama torfisich , maygooloon na3aam igooloon .."-J

killa ma a5alee ikamil kalama.hehe
"Shtabeny agool... hi baby, hi cookie, hi boo?"-D

"5arabty mazajy.. zain chithy?"-J

6oo6 6oo6
"Jassim 3andy mokalima thanya"-D

"inzain!!... 3asa mo imra8ma rayal oo 5asha 3any?"-J

"afa 3alaik bes;)!!"-D
incoming call

"halla moma"-D ( she's my cousin)

"halla dalooy keef il 7aal?"-M ( mariam is the closest person to me, honestly.)
we talked on the phone for hours, updated each other, because she was the only person i trusted.
"mooma akalmich b3dain, il 7anna gam ydg"-D

"byeeeeeeeee love"M
"halla wallaaaa!!"-D

"Dalii laish matrideen???"-J

"asif, kint bil telephone, laish? kint 5ayf 3alay?"-D (chuckle)




"kint akalim mariam bil telephone"-D

"mariam? Ooooh 9aa7 moma haha"-J

"haha ee waink fe?"-D

"bil sayara, baroo7 il chalet!"-J

"deeerbalik haa mawa9eeek mo tasre3 oo itahawar"-D

"inshallaaaaah dalii yallaaaa adig 3alaich lama ao9al yalla bes 3ad baroo7 "-J

"haha ok kisskiss…..Arrivederci.."-D

"aurevoir hehe "-J

8a9abta igoolaa lanni kint wayed mit2ethra min 13 going on 3o! yahel i know;p


"DALIAAAAAAAAAAAAA mamaa nizlay ta7at!!"-mom
i forgot what i was doing ib hel moment i think kint ib my room asolif bes il mohem inna i was in my room.

"inshala yomaa!"-D

silence .... shisalfa?
"omii shooo shisalfaaaaaaaa????"M

" daloia 7abeebty tawhom dageen 3lay bait il faani....?"-M
"walaadhom shayfich bil jam3aa oo 7abich wayed oo al7een oma dagat 3lay yaboon ya56iboonich"M

"waaaaaaay dalooooooiitiii kibartaaaay maamaaa oo hathaaiil koosh nas in3arifhom minzeman oo ibooch wayed m3a iboo oo 3amaama oo igooloon 3anna mazyoon b3d"M

"haaaw shfeech taa7tay"M


"bes... mno ohwa , youma may9eeer ma3arfaa mabeee mabeee"D

"haaw shlon matabeena oo intay moshayfita ya omi may9eer 3ala il a8al shoofee oo kalmeee bacher ita7asifain laish ma5athaitee"

"inzain shisma?.7ata isma magilteeli shlon chethee"D

"huuff.... isma Fahad. Fahad il Flani"M
hmmm .....!!!!!!!!
waaaaaait waaait Waaaaaait PAUSE A3ARIF HEL ISIM WAAAIT WAAAIT WAAAIT!!!!!.........

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MiAmor[15]; you are my second memory that takes me back to my unseriousness.Iloveyou...

Its about time aye?;p

some of thos messages... were in my inbox, and i decided to share them..

i also wanted to show you how typical our attitude was with each other... and how we are very attached and comfortable with ourselves together.


I messaged
wain nitlaga?

bil jam3a a7achech

uff... what will happen? ...

Next Day:

i barely slept... yes, im officially crazy.
the alarm clock went on.. no reason for it anyways.
i changed to .. my light blue jeans, and wore a white pale shirt.

in Jam3a.

i saw Jassim, sitting in one of the benchs... with his friends all over the place around him.

I messaged
i see you...

he lifted his head up, and was trying to look..
and he saw.. me.. standing next to the tree.

He stood up, and approached me.

"halla Dali"-J



"zaina... "-J

"7amdelah... ta3ly... 5an nitmasha..."-J


"im3a9b 3alay jassim?"-D

"la la.. bas um, ba'3ait agool ina... mabee y9eer bainch oo bain ahalch so2 tafahm..ibsibity.."-J


"la la, Jassim.. lat 7aty kilish.. ana nisait agolick a9lan..."-D

"shino?"-J.. he stopped walking and stared straight to my eyes.

"Sherefa dagat 3ala o5oy"-D

"na3am? shtaby ba3ad?"-J
and i explained everything to him :-)
"HATHY MA95AT'HA!! ana a3rf shlon at3amel ma3aha!! 8ilat adab!"-J

"ula ula... calm sawee shay"-D

"Dalia.. min 9ijch ma tabeny asawe shay?"-J

""- i doubted my answer

"magdar.. hathy iw9ilat 7dod'ha, ana lazm atfahm ma3aha"- and he walked away.

omg shit.
i went to class... oh god.. my mind was about to blow up.
i wish i can read his mind.. or atleast live it for a sec to know whats sturring
and what hes planning.
i dont even regret telling him, BUT... i dont want him to get hurt emotionally
or blah! ;(
i had to i had to i had to annoy him ....:-p
so i messaged
Inzain.. 3ady ma tifahm ma3aha ila yimkn lama a5l9 my exams?

loool ;p 3ashan itrakzeen ya3ni?

ee ;c

Dalia madry, intay mat3arfeen shkithr m3a9b... oo 3ad lat shofeny lama a3a9b.

ibrask hosha? ;-p

tha7kteeny.... ibrasy WAR

ok saw WAR ma3ay.. mo da3y it3a9b oo itkaber il omor

shlon asawe WAR ma3ach? tabeny a3a9b 3alaich ya3ni? mosta7eel :D ana bakabr il umor... baftha7'ha .. bint il zag

Itha tiftha7'ha.. allah yifth7k...

9a7 kalamch... bas Dalia... 5ala9 ya3ni ma95at'ha... intay shga3d itsaween? Rakzay ya bint... la ayee ma3a il jooty haaa ;p

laa yal 9ay3... ana ayee ma3a il ka3b.. bas many5ilgik tabchy 3alay

adig?wela taben lihwash jidam il nas?

chub zainnnnnnnn :-) i miss you

wala ana akthar it9adgeen?:*

laish il question mark ba3d.. AKEED a9adg hahah

agool,lat 9adgeen bas ;]

hayen ya bu tibn :-)

haynay ya 7ilwa ;)

laa.. tara ana brasy hosha.. dont be all sweet and charming


please :( mishtahya azif

7athr... lama ashofch takleny... ana malait azif il 7abeba

yal yahel! :-p i win anyways

bas hal mara


imbala... sim3ay il professar tawa 9ad3 rasy oo zafny ;p

shimsawe ya ubo il balawy?

ya Um il balawy.. ana ga3d ajablch, hatha shino iley imsawee..8al6at 7ayati

looool yala 3ayal T T Y L ?

shino ya3ni?

talk to you later

yal chicken nugget

oo zain.. t3rf englazy.. t9adg 3abaly mat 3arf?

HA HA HAY :p mat tha7keen, bas yala amasheha

T T Y L bgara

;* etc

"ouiii jassim"- D
i saw him walkin in the hallway

"ouiii dali"-J

"tadry shino tawny sawait? hahahahahahah"-D

"golaaay... "-J

"bas awal shay itgoly inik it7ebny , o itmot feny.. o kilshay"-D

"ro7ay zain.. shayfatny romeo?"-J

"int a7la"-D

"adri il kil ygool"-J


"la la ta3aly"-J
( he put his arms around me, so tight )

"yal ba6a"-J

"int il ba6a kilick"-D

"hahaaahah yala golay shsawaitay"-J

"mmmm 9ij.. agolk?"-D

"la !! 3ayal !!!"-J
he pushed me, and walked away

"hhahahahha jassim... ya rafee8yy intazerr"-D i started to act

he smiled and walked

"ya abyyyyyyyyyyyyyy "-D i screamed

he stopped.
i walked to him

"sho ya amy?"- he pinched my cheeks so hard

"ay ay jassim leet go hahaha"-D

he let go

"ya amar!!"-J


and so i left the building.


laish itfakren '3ala6



itsameha amar o mat sameny ;c akeed az3al

bas inty mo amar


intay akthar min il amar a9lan... intay il widyaan

tara int mo 9a7y

lama ashofch a97a

shfeck int?;p

walashay yal '3alya.. yal 6ayba ya galbi yale akthar min il AMAR

ula ula

Incoming call: mama

"hala wala"-D
"ahlain 7uby"-m
"mita bitrden il bait?"-M
"kany bil sayara"-D
"inzain abech itsaween jan6itch"-M
"o laish?"-D
"hahahahah mama:p shinno ya3ni matadreen"-D
"athen Qatar athen ya3ni.. oboch mo rathy ygool"-m
"oo shlon ma3a dirasty y3ni?"-D
"breaak ya mama... bas 4 tyam 3aal 8alel"-M

and i closed the phone.

Calling... Jassim

"yal ba6a basafer"-D
"ee ;s"-D
"lay mita o wain?"-J
"umy itgol 3al 8aleela 4 tyam"-D
"uha.. o wain?"-J
"madry.. i think Qatar?wala madry."-D
"lazm iro7en?"-M
"eee, my family yal shagol.. mabe akon homealone.. she 9er feny? amot by the second min il 5oof"-D
"hahaha maynona walla.... did it every occur to u that i might stay around?"-J
"la2.. uf ta3bana ta3banaaaaaaaaa"-D
"nafsy ta3bt minch.. namy il7en, irta7y .. oo a7achech ba3dain ok"-J
"oh laish?"-J
"lana ma malait min 9otk"-D
"haw shfe hatha"-D
"madry wa7ed bil sayara ga3d yra8mne hahah umbai shakla 3abee6"-D
"hahaah umbaii ga3d yl7agnee,,,, aywaa il7en athy3aa"-D
"intay shfech .. yanaity? mo chinch ta3bana?"-J
"imbala bas shakla 7ilo "-D
"hay hay"-J
"la ya romeo, ya ba6ee5a int wayed a7la.. ib wayedddddd"-D
"inzain riday il bait ana agoolich.. il7en!"-J
"ok... bas 5an athy3a awal"-D
"lat doseen"-J
"ee !!sim3ay il kalam"-J
... a few minutes later
"thay3ta.. "-D
"3afya 3al sha6ra..."-J
"yalla jassim... awad3k"-D
"bye yal '3alya.."-J
"bye yall hot"-D
"sta5forala 9ij yanaity"-J
"ma welaht 3alay?tara ana alyom.. athen sikart"-D
"imbala shlon ma olah 3alich... dgega ya ba3d CHABDY. mokalama thanya"-J
"uf fine".... and i closed the phone.
and you guys... sorry for not posting...
and you will understand why i have been apsent.. for a while... soon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MiAmor[14]; what about me? why dont you think of me? [Dedicated to All my Silent readers;*]

i ran to my room, and started to think.
he probably heard...ofcourse he did...
he wouldn't just walk away...
Faj2a... my brother came in, sat on my bed... next to me.
"mino kan il walad"-A
"Jassim il ***--"-D
"uh....samee3 fee...hal walad mo hayen!"-A
"Haw... SHAKOO?"-D
"fee bnaya galatly 3aana... ina"
I cut him off..
"mino hathy?!"

"MINO HATHY?!!!!!!"- I screamed.
"siktaay!!... ga9ry 7isich... wa7da isim'ha shireefa....ma3aach bil Jam3a!"-A
"sh3arifick feeha?"-i tried to stay calm
"i5it rfeejy!"-A

"7abeeby inta! ihya MAL3OONA!"-D
"7abeebty intay... ohwa il mal3oon!"-A
"shaku shaku? a3arfaa oo galy suwalfa, ihya troo7 7aflat oo tishreb oo madri shino"-D
"min gayilich hal 7achy?!"-A
"sima3t min il nas, 3abood int iley wa5r 3an'ha!"-D
"ana a9lan ma ahtam feeha, bas yaat oo galatly ba8adimlick na9ee7a.. oo 5athat ra8my min o5oha oo galatly ina katha oo katha, chin'ha 3arfa ohwa biyee!"-A
"inzain ana baroo7 3and oboy"-A
"shbit goola 3abdulla!?"-D
"Father and son time"-he winked "lat 5afeen, mo3an alyom... hal shay bainy oo bainich"
"waay a7ibick, mashkoor"-D
i ran to hug him.
i went back to my bed, and got a message (15 minutes later.... ok ok fine 1/2n hour later)


*lazim agoolich shay...*

i dialled his number
but he shut it... ok...?

*mo chithy ... lazm ashofich!*
[Oh and to Love;**.... sorry i havent been able to comment in your blog... but i just wanted to tell you how amazing your writing is!(: for those who haven't read her blog its dont miss out!]

Friday, April 10, 2009

MiAmor[13];curiosity is eating me up.

And felt…
I jumped out of the moment.
And screamed…
my stupid brother broke the moment.
*ashwa ina he did that… or I wouldv gone too far*
“digega jassim…. 3abod calls”-D
“i5thy ra7tich…”-J
I ran upstairs… to his bloody blue room, and saw his blood immerge to his eyes.
“ay ma95ara … shsawait?!”-D
*he looked furious*
“omy oo oboy rathyeen.. .fa int shaku?!”-D
“3ala fikra… ohwa yay idarisny moo 3ashan iley int ga3d itfaker fee! Oo a3arf i7doody”-D
*his phone rings*
I headed to the door
“ANA MA5AL9T MINICH!!! I7saby ma3ach ba3dain!”-3

I ran downstairs and apologized to jassim.

“yalla ana mashy…”-J
“ill talk to you ilyom bilail…review”- D .. I smiled widely
“ma athen agdar”-J
I didn’t want to ida5l.. so I just said
we said our goodbyes with a friendly smile…


id love to read comments from my silent readers.

and sorry for the short post.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

MiAmor[12];it only takes a while until you realize your attatched

It was Friday morning.

Alah ma3k;*
Alyom bashofich?

Ee! Lazim idarisny

Wain tabeen?

Digeega, ill get back to you bas da2eeeeeeeee2a ya 7ilo ;p

“na3am 7abebty?”- she said while eating her 7ab and watching Tv.
“mama tirthain itha walad ya baitna 3ashan ydarisny?”-D
“shee darsich? Mino hatha ba3ad?”-M… her eyes popped
“ydarisny Accounting… mama ana sa86ita.. oo mafe tutors this time of month!”-D . I lied
“wild mino?”-M
“UH!! Ubo yshti8l ma3a uboch.. wala mo ibeedy roo7ay si2lay ubocch!”-M
I enter my dad’s office, while he lit his cigarette in the bin
“HALA HALA!”(GOOOOOOOOOD he was in a great mood!)
“baba fe sha8la lazm agolick yaha.. mo kbeera bas ya3ni !”-D
“amraay 7abeebtY! A9lan mita a5er mara dashaity hal ‘3orfa?”-B
“haha madry… bas baba hatho mo il mawthoo3 ahhaha “-D
“yala amraay”-B
“3ady waled iye baitna ydarsny il mada iley sa86a feeha?”-D
“na3aaam??min 7athrita hatha?”-b
“wild *****”-D
“ee uhh a3rf ubo… ay wa7d hatha fahood?”-B
“la2. Jassim… baba a9lan ib nig3ad bil sirdaab!!! Oo 7a6 camera ba3ad itha int 5ayf 3alay aw 3abalk ga3d achathb…!”-D
“la2, ath8 fech, bas 5aleeny afakr 3an il mawthoo3, lana 3omr’ha ma sarat hal sha’3la ma3ay! Madam 7ag dirasa.. 3ayal ok.. bas ashofa awal!”-B
“ee ok! Ya3ni 5ala9 agola iyey?”-D
“alyom baba”-D
“5ala9 ay sa3a?”-B
“ba3d arb3 sa3at aw shay”-D
“ee ok ana bakon mawjood 3ayal!’-B
“mashkoor baba!”-D and I kissed his forehead.
And left his office jogging with happiness.

3afya digega!

Can u come over and teach me ib baity?

Ba..itch?ahalich rathyeen?

Yupyup! I just talked to them

5ala9 3ayal.wara koora ayelich
Hahaha ;)

5 hours Later
“halla, ana bara tara!”-J
“ok im getting the door”-D
I ran downstairs, I wore my HUGE white t-shirt, with leggings and house boots, the really short ones.Oh and my big glasses… looking so dorky.
“HEY!!!!!!!!!!!”- I screamed as I opened the door.
We gave each other a fast hug.
“sha5brch”-J.. he said.
He wore his black hat, backwords… but not worn properly .. I don’t really no how to explain it.. but it looked very heart melting.. and with the smell of his cologne. He wore a black polo shirt, with jeans. With his ray ban glasses.
“babaaaaaaaaaaaa”- I screamed giving my back to Jassim.
“yala kaaaaany nazl!”-B he screamed back.
…. We small talked then my father came!
“halla walla shlonick sha5bark”
*they salimd*
“walla tamam ib 9i7a oo salama”-J
“obook……blah blah blah
I day dreamed while they had their talk.
My father invited Jassim to his office.
I went to get my laptop and went to the basement, and listened to music 3ala ma iyee!
15 minutes later.. YES 15!!!
He came downstairs.. with my father. MASHALA 3ALAY!!
“yala 5ala9 .. daris’ha abeha ityeb bil imti7an imya!!”-B
He came to the table.
And we small talked between the lessons.
Anyways after he was done tutoring me, and I got every detail! Because it came out of his mouth.. fa ya3ni how can I not memorize it? ;p
I opened my latptop
And put songs.
I rapped with them, and we started laughing.
LUNCHHHHHHHHHh was served!
When I came back from washing my hands, he put this song
And while I was returning I started dancing,turning and singing.
He gave me this glare iley from up lay down… the checking out one!
But I didn’t care and I didn’t stop.
He pointed at his lap.
And I raaaaaaaaaan to him and sat.
He put his arms around my waist
And I stared at him.And felt….

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MiAmor[11] I want you.....more?

UH… I don’t know what I should do.. I mean what .. hu :S?

My mom looked at me puzzled, and thousand thoughts kept running inside my head.
I mean I cant leave him there hanging..
“Daliaa yala binroo7 il bait.. basna shopping 7ag alyom”-M

“uh..uh. ok”-D

*ring ring*
“sh3alamich? Digega uboch bil 5a6… halla ya 3omreeey halla”-M

I’ll think about it.

I didn’t know what to answer… I mean I’ve never had a boyfriend or any of hal sowalf… u no? and the fact that I like this person AND this person likes me.. is like a huge bombshell dropped unfolded and completely unauthorized.

3ndch il wakt kila

I had to think about this… it’s a situation that maybe sometime in the future I might regret. I had to be mature about this, and set my mind into it.
I’ve had other guys ask me that question, but I refused. The reason for that, is I didn’t really like them the way they liked me.
But now, I like Jassim the way I think he likes me and more.
You know when you can see the future for like a mili second, and then it just hits you that your living, and your in reality now…
Well I can see him with me… in the future.
I mean, I cant imagine myself without him.
Maybe its just hormones talking but, im the kind of person who sets her mind to things and always has to accomplish them.

“yalla dalia”- my mother squealed breaking my whole imaginary bubble off the knot.


We walked back to the car, and drove back home.
After changing into my night wear, and headed to bed… and thought about this for over I don’t know how many hours, I decided to call.
I didn’t want to leave him hanging like a hook, and I didn’t want to lose intouch with him; certainly not.


“halla Dalia!”-J


“adg 3alaich il7en!”-j

“uh.. laish?”-D

“maby il mokalama itkoon 3alaich yalla 7aboba bye”-J


*ringing ringing*

“halla… shta3wa jassim”-D

“ahlain, a7san chithy”-J

“3ala ra7tick, int mo bil duwaniya?”-D

“la 6ila3t imbacher, bacher 3andi game min 9oba7 alla 5air!”-J

“bas it’s a holiday”-D

“eee adri… bas shinsawee hal coach wayed imthari6”-J

“haha ok goodluck”-D

“mashkora….inzain ha fakraty.. wela lail7en time?”-J

“uh..e…bas mo wayed((7ady im lieng)) I don’t know if im capable … ya3ni madry a7is im betraying my family oo madry 7aram”-D ‘chuckled’

“intay walla mara a7d s2alch hal so2al?”-J

“imbala, bas I always rejected. Liana I didn’t like them oo I didn’t see it going anywhere. Bas jassim.. I like you more than a friend oo I cant do anything about it”-D

“ham ana I like you more than a friend…”-J

“bas maybe its for the best we remain friends …”-D

“ma3a benefits”-he laughed

“madry 3an hal sha’3la wallah!!”-D

“inzain hahah sim3eeny…”-J

“sh3indick”-I teased

“ill give you time… mara7 a8a9bich…mara7 I threatn you wella hal sowalf”-J

“laish int you threatened min gabl yaal shai6an!!”-D

“haaaaaaaaa!! Ana shai6an?afaaa”-J

“3adi as2lk so2all… bas moo t3a9ib!! jad jad”-D

“a3rf shra7 tis2leen!”-J


“liana agra mo5ch… oo la.. ma 7abait min gabl”-J

“uh.. mo layig 3alaik”I teased

“hahaha.. la la, bas ya3ni gabl ayam il thanawiya.. kan rifije ygoly 3an hathy .. o o madry mino, oo ygoly ‘yoba 3ady il3b ib mo5’hm’ bas la… ana ma kint chithy AGOOLICH YA DALIA ANA SHAAAAAAAAY!!”-He teased back

“ma fahamt ya3ni INTA!! Il 7iLO!!! Ma kan 3andick?? Int bas chithy ga3d itgool 9a7?”-D

“laaa laaa mo bas chithy!! Haha inzaiin aggolich”-J

“HA HA!! Wa a5eeran 6ila3 il 9ij”-D

“kint ya3ni … a7achee hal bnaya… kanat wayed it7ibeny.. bas ib mw8ofy kint bas bal3ab feeha… ya3ni bas chihty.. 5o ayshay”-J

“ok ok kaml”-D

“fa g3dna nit7acha bil telephone… bas ma gitl’ha 3an ay shay… lana a3rf ina mafe waraha shay, ya3ni kina bil thanawiya… shbin sawe fogha fahmatny?”-J

“ee ee KAMIL lat ga6i3”-D

“Yuma Yuma, inzain hahaha…. Fa il mohm bdait a7achy wa7da thanya.. oo lail7en kint ga3d a7aichy hatheech… ya3ni bas y67al6moon ib rasy.. ana kint ag3ad bil zigara oo asma3.. oo bil duwaniya kano ydoogon chinhom bugar… fa chakoony kint ga3d a7acheehom il ithnain ma3a ba3th madry shloon nisait, oo bas zafony oo madry shino … kan sowalif yahal… oo ana kint asma3… ath7ak ib galby, bas min yomha wigaft, lana jad many5ilg sowalf 7ob oo ‘3aram oo madry shino oo ana kint mo ma5th hal mawthoo3 jaaad”-J

“yal 7aywaaan haahahahahahhaa 7aram 3alaik umbay ahahahaahahh wala itha chaikatk imsawe feeny chithy a8ichk”-D

“afaaaaaaaaaaa… la la.. intay sha’3la thanya!”-J

“3abaly ba3ad!!”-D

“inzain oo intay.. mako?”-J

“la2 ana sha6ra”-D

“yalla 6al3ay..!!”-J

“uf uf inzain”-D

“ok … ta3rft 3ala this guy min rifeejty oo kan jaaaaaaad ywanis… oo kan yfham.. bas ma kint agola shay ya3ni any of my secrets ooh al sowalif, liana kint a5af.Fa il mohm 6ilab ra8my oo bidaina nit7acha bil telephone, oo kan ydig 3alay kil ma he breaks up ma3a 7abebta .. .fa yoom galy ina yaby ykoon my bf.. oo ana 6ab33an RAFTHA ya3ni RAFTHA! Oo ohwa y8a9bny.. ooo y8a9bny… oo ana l2 o l2! Fa gal ok 3ayal inkoon friends.. oo 9ij thaliana friends… fa fe yom ri7t ma3a rab3y chee 6al3een wela ma wa3ait ila shifta… oo ana ri7t in5ashait… madry laish, hahaha nisait”-D

“haha inzain”-J

“ee fa.. ba3dain ra7 camp oo bida y7achny min ihnak, oo ana wagaft amasga liana ma abee yfakr iny kint a7iba aw shay… fa lama kan ydig a7gira oo akon 9aka il telephone… fa bida il 7aywan y6al3 esha3at 3any,, iny kint a7iba oo ohwa y7ibny oo madry shloon… fa bas ya3ni wagafna in7achy ba3ath oo haathy ihya….”-D

“gawaad! 7mar… bas zain itsaween… walla ma yswa reputation 3ala sha’3la mafe as5af minha”-J

“oo il7en a7na shg3d insawe jassim hahahaahaha”- I started laughing

“la a7na bil jam3a, hatha ‘3air”-J

“shlon ‘3air ya3ni?”-D

“ya3ni kbar, shfech mo fahma 3lay”-J

“hahah oh ok.. liany ta3bana, shift il sa3a cham?”-D



“lat nameen”-J

“haw laish?”-D

“in9aly winam, tara ga3d a8mizllich il7een”-J

“inshala.. oo ana ba3d ahhaah “-D

i stil don't know how to work the private thing, as soon as i know ill tell you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

MiAmor[10];only time knows... ((going private))

My mobile started to ring.
We stopped cuddling each other and got into shape.
he nodded.
"halla mamaty"-D
"ha 7abebty!! Lail7en your studying?"-mama
"uh ..tawny im5al9a gilt atmasha shway "-D
"uhaa.. inzain 5aleech ihnak ana yayatlich.. "-mama
((crap))I stared at jassim with a worried look and bit my lip.
"inshala, ya3ni yabelch cham digega?"-D
"yalla ok ana na6ritich"-D

"3asa ma shar?"-J
"omi ra7 tiyee"-D
"uha ok.. uh shloon 3ayal?"-J
"wallah madre.."-D
"5ala9 ana amshee"-J
"not now"-D
"ee ee inshala"-J

now it was his phone ringing
"aloo.na3am?.........yal 9aidaÖ kaaak.. ubook ya 7mar"- and so the convo continued...
while I drifted off to forver21. He was standing outside, in the stand.
I picked up a couple of dresses and some funky shirts... that had lame jokes on them.
And headed to the dressing room..
I put on a blue poka dot dress,and examined it on me...
*naah makes me look like a blueberry*
*my phone started to ring
"dressing room"-D
"yalla bye"-J

he came to the dressing room, but not call my name out..cuz obviously everyone would think were crazy.
When I finished trying on the stuff I got, I unlocked the door, and saw him sitiing and busy with his phone.

"ha 5ala9ty?"-J
"yupyup"-D (I winked)
"jassim come, inside"-D
he stood up and headed to me, I closed the door.
"im going to call shireefa now"-D
he gave me this serious look like MIN 9IJICH
"and i donít want to do it alone.. fa"-D
ìkany ma3achî he touched my hand and squeezed it. 
*deed, deed, deed*
by the forth ring  she answered
"halla 7abooba!!"-S
"halla sharoof"-D
"agool dalia ana shiftech ma3a jassim wela ga3d at5ayl?"-S
((jassims face was close to mine, cuz he was trying to itsama3))
"AHAM SHAY!! Ma hagaitich chithy"-S
"look whos talking " I mumbld to Jassim.
"la sharoof, kan ga3d ydarisny"-7awalt arag3íha
"y9eer 5air, tara hes mine so if you respect me back off"-S
((I giggled))
Jassim wanted to pee on his pants.
"agool, I respect you enough to do that, but I called you for a reason"-I winked to jassim
"and whats that?"- S
"ma a3tirf feech inich rifejty ...fa i5ti9aran.. I donít want to be your friend"-D
and I shut the phone.
Me and jassim kept laughin, he fell on the floor and I fell with him.. only on top of him.
His hands were around my waist.
"why are we laughing? I just lost a friend"- D *giggle*
"madry hahah"-J
---- mama caling
I punched jassim " sh sh , my mamas calling"
"halla mamitaaa"-D ( he cuddeld me so close, and put his face on my shoulder.)
"wainich? 5ams digayg oo o9al avenues"-mama
(( jassim kissed me on my neck.. woah ok!!)) 
I punched him.
"haha mama ok"- D --I was so lost with words.---
"shfeech?shal thi7k?"-Mama
(( he kissed my ears)) and I punched him again
"wala shay mama"-D
(and I mumbled bes to jassim)
"yalla alageech ib debenhams"-M
"okaaay byeee"-D
 I stood up, and held out my hand to him.
He stood up.
"uff by the way your leaving now"- I stared at him and started to laugh.
"la bacher"-J
"malee8 jassim :) " i teased
" bye "-J
and he hugged me soo tighttt, and I hugged him so tight back. 
"you smell amazing yal zag, im borrowing your calonia"-D [ I said while we were still hugging]
"a36eech yaa, walla yhimich"-J
"bas 3ad, tara f8a9tny"-D
"digega ba3ad"-J
"tara I sleep if you hug me to much"-D
*mama calling
"OMI GA3D DIG ya 7ilo, bas digega."-D
"mama ana ib forver 21"-D
"ee ok , kaho jbaly, digega oo ayelich"-M
"bye"and he pecked my cheecks.
((whats happening to him..?))
and he left, and I left...
My mom and I shopped like crazy. 
And we decided to rest in starbucks.
I missed jassim already, last time I saw him was 5 hours ago :( 
yo, whats your pretty face doing?
ga3d ashoof koora ma3a il shabab
oh ok.. i miss you hahaha
walla ana akthar
:* ill leave you to what your doing
Dalia... will you be my girlfriend?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


This is the end of my posts.
NO, it didnt end like that.
We had so much stuff going on before stepping forward.
But i just wanna close my blog, or like... not continue it.
sorry.. its nothing personal.

p.s. your mean comments is like hell burning my heart.
you dont understand what im going through,so dont try to ease your pain or mine by insulting. allah ya36ekom il 3agl.. and have a great life.

oh and to al l my great readers, i really appreciate your sweet thoughts and considerations. Honestly, it made me smile. ThankYou.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

MiAmor[9]; love is in the air [ this is to "my little secret" i hope you see this]

i couldn’t sleep that night, I kept tossing and turning. I just desperately wanted to know… how bad was that Shireefa girl was!
goodmorning Jassim :) wake up…
and im not calling you
because you’ll hate me (: and
im going to Paul for breakfast iley ib avenues
fa your most welcome

that was at 9, and I knew for sure he would probably reply at like 1?!
I took my books, and my laptop.
I wore my skinny jeans, and a white flowy shirt and wore my black ballet shoes.
I took my keys, and explained to mama that im going to study there.
When I got there, I ordered my coffee from starbucks and went to Pauls.
Kilish mafee i7tiram ;p bas I cant live without their coffee ;p
I opened my laptop, and started typing my essay… and putting sticky notes on my book.
The waiter seemes distracted and hated the fact that I was studying at their place.
But I kept telling him “5 more minutes, im typing the last word!”
7AYATI I miss you..
shda3wa you don’t ask about me
… dalioo hatha yzay oo athab6ich ;] jk jk

[ewww its shirefa ]

halla 7ayati
sorry walla so much stuff
and intay laish u don’t keep intouch ;p!

[uf. ]

Halla dalia, 9ba7 il 5air ;p
Omy tawha imga3datny 3ashan tabeny ayeblaha
Sha’3la min il jam3iya
Ba3d shway ayeelich

9ba7 il THUHAR ;p
ok yalla take your time
and shireefa messaged!!

7abeebty .. ana il7een ib avenues
H&M come.. lets get some girl bonding


Shireefa 7ayati walla I cant
Im in avenues now, and im typing my essay

wain ib avenues


Pauls.. im meeting someone.

ok.. fine… 3ayal… sometime later xx

inshala 7abeebty.

(uff il faka min’ha)

15 minutes later

yaylich il7een…

ok, bas ana mo ib Pauls.. i6ridony :p

ana a3ilmhom ;p

he called 5 minutes later
“aloo”- D

“halla, wainich ?”-J

“im trying on cloths in River Island”-D

“uh .. wain alageech ?”-J

“come here!”-D ( as i tried to zip my jeans)

“ma3rf waina, inzain… agolich meet me at Pauls, lana ohwa jidam wayhe”-D

“inshala,but give me a minute”-D

“okaik, bye”-J

I met him in pauls 10 minutes later, cuz a shirt caught my eyes.

“JASSIM!”- I screeched
I saw him sitting and smoking.
He was wearing a purple polo shirt, and grey trackpants(shkla 7ada not in the mood :p). and a hat, but he wore it backwurds, so part of his hair was coming out.

“halla dalia”-he stood up, and put his cigarette in the small bin.extinct.

“5alik ga3d sht3wa”-D

“la la, i7tiram shway shfeech”-he winked

“haha ok,,tabe tamshy wala we sit?”-D

“3al ra7tich”-J

“walk”-D ...I gave him the puppy eyes look

“5ala9 WALK it is !”-J

“dalo, 3a6eny jan6itch iley feha laptop!”-J

“la la 5aleha ma3y!”-d

“byinksr thahrch, 3a6eeniyaha”-J

“jassim mo thgeela!!”-D

“3adi, 3a6eny yaha oo ray7eeny”-J

I gave in, and gave it to him.


“wain wain ??”-J

“zara,, OH OH by the way!! I got you something”-D

“shino haha”-J

“ta3al il dressing room.”
We went in, and into the room.

“ok shoof, hatha it just caught my eyes, and I thought it would look AMAZING 3alaik”-D

“wareeny ya!!!!”-J

“first drum rolls!”-D

“please jassim please!!”-D

“ukh , ok dum dum dum”- he looked upwards
and I started laughingggggggggggggggg!!

“yalla kahoo yal fashill hahah!!”-D


It was a power rangers shirt ;]

“laaaaaaaaaa2 laaaaaaaaaa2 magdar!! Ana wallllaaaa mooo 3omry ithnain”-J

“try it,,” as I unlocked the door and stood outside.



and he closed the door.slowly,passing his gloomy face.

He came out, and I got my bb out.


“haaaaaaahahahahahaha yoou look so cute walla hahahaah”-D

he came close to me, and started pinching my cheecks.
And yes we were in a girls dressing room
And that lady stared at us like we were insane, she stared making calls
Jassim noticed.
And ignored.(he was a bit disappointed)
He went inside and changed.
We went out, and started to talk.
You should have seen the peoples faces…
So dramatic
“Umbay, hathy mnin9ij’ha wain ga3dain?”
I heard people say as we passed by.

We walked to the end of avenues, it was so empty there, we were the only people.
He put his arm around my shoulders, and his face close to mine.
I felt so cuddled
“wallaw!!it was so fun”-D

5osh company! Ma ti3zimony?

His arms cuddled me so hard

“jassim ma giltle 3an shirefa”-D

“ee.. wala hal bint 9ay3a!”-J

“she just messaged me, look”-D

“shino ya3ni, 5osh company? Min 9ij’ha.. goléelaha ma7d 6ilab raych.. 5al tathlif.”-J

he let go of his hand, and i stood infront of him.
“see that’s what I don’t understand,,, weren’t you like friends with her”- I started talking with my hand gestures.

“hadday balich… bas ina il shabab galoley ina shayfeen’ha ib 7aflat wa7d, shes drinking and smoking.. alaho a3laam shitsawe ba3ad! Min 9ijich tabeny ag3ad ma3a hal ashkaal? Kil digega i6arishhly messages I love yyouo oo madry shino, oo aham shay you think artha inich tig3deen ma3a hal ashkal oo ti5tirb sim3tch 3al fathy”-J
I blushed. Ya7laila.
we stood by the stairs.
I stared downstairs.
He rubbed my back.
“madry min wain y6la3on hal ashka’l. wae3, that whore.. sorry 3ala the words. Bas jad, lay mita chithy.. ?y3ni shbe golon 7ag zoj’hm when they get married, I doubt they can even hide it, no one would want them ba3ad.”

“9a7 kalamich…”-J

“haha adri”-D


“laish.. 5al’ha twaly..hal ashkaal ma ystahloon wa7da nafsy”- I teased

he put his arm on my sholders, and hugged my so hard.
Uf It felt too warm and right… butterflies.. butterflies, and more butterlflies.

we walked, and I put my hand in his waist. Uf. It just felt right.
But still… that doesn’t mean were a couple right? Were just friends :)
I wasn’t crossing any boundaries.
I guess..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

MiAmor[8]; wearing my heart on my sleeve


7amdillah 3ala il salama! im watching sound of music with Trigger!

mino trigger ba3ad ;p

7abeeby ;]

afaaaaa!! '3rt ;p

hehee, my cat

a7na il7een ibnil3ab koout



Ma af'ham hal li3ba, oo 6ool 3omry mara7 af'hamha!

i looked at my phones wallpaper, how can someone so simple make my heart skip a beat,and butterflies circle my stomach.he answered after a while.

haha, shloon il filim?;p

Good, im singing along, and now my stomach hurts cuz i ate so much 9ij :D

miskeena,matshofeen shar.inshala trigger imsaweelich jaw?

i took a picture of my face trying to bite off triggers head, it looked so funny. Trigger looked scared, and i looked like crap...but i didnt care?? :)

*send*.*heart beat*


Shush, hatha 3ashan abayn lik iny wa7da yo3ana

7aram... 7ag ga6wa ;p

LA LA LA! rifeejty a5er mara im6arshatly e-mail, in i dont remmber ay country,
they actually eat cats and mice ...i cried.

KAAAAAK! tibcheen 3ala kilshay intay? la la joke:* hatha imbayn inich 9ij 9ij oo 9ij you care:*

SHIFT SHLOON!! lazim wayed nas ykononoon nafsy
-----------------Anyways, we messaged till 12.

tara i have to sleep, im so tired, i was supposed to sleep at 9.... bas 3ashanik ga3adt!!

ana 6ali3 il fayer

take care 3ayal..ok?

----Incoming call----Jassim.
"halla Dalia"-J

"DISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!"-i heard a guy scream

"thwany yal ba6aaa"-J
i laughed sooooooooo hard,
i struggled sayin "he...l....looo!! HAHAHAH"-D

"hehe, ha shga3d saween"-J

"ana il7een bil frash...mitla7fa oo feeling so cozy n sleepy"-D

"alah! shawagteeny abe anam"-J


"la, bag3ad ma3a il shabab shway"-J

"ill leave you to that 3ayal"-D

"mm.. ba'3ait agoolich shay!"-J

"gool...shfeek jassim?"-D

i got scared, he seemed weird. What exactly was he going to say.

"ba3day min shireefa"-J

"uh...ana a9lan mo wayd close ma3aha bas she calls and asks about me, and if iwant to go out.. but i ditch.. i dono why thou"-D
"ee , la bas wa5ray 3an'ha, sim3at'ha 6ay7a"-J


"Inshala, fe shay thany?"-D

"lala a5aleech 3ala nomtch"-J

"ok bas, Jassim shino il sabab?"-D

"agoolich ba3dain, bas deerbalich!"-J

"inshala, and thank you!"-D

"yalla ok.. ti9bi7een 3ala 5air"-J

"wint min ahala..."-D

and we closed the phone.




do you guys know what happend to "my little secret?"

Friday, March 13, 2009

MiAmor[7]-:The best way to forget your past is to reveal it-Starlight

When  I reached starbucks, I called him.
“BOO!” I screeched. 
“5ara3teeny!”-he talked back.
“ashkara la2”-I pouted.
“9idteeny..”-he laughed.
“wainick?tara ana bara starbucks!”-D
“uhhh..dishay.. ana il7een ma3a rfeejy”-J
“ 3ayal laish gitlee aye, 5ala9 barja3?!”-D
“ la la!”-J
I sat on the step.
“asti7y, adish 3arth laish?!”-D
“ya7lailch…agoola yroo7.. wella yhimich!”-J
“LA LA! Ana aroo7, 5ala9 ashoofick bacher aw shay!”-D
“may9eer chithy!3aib 3alay!”-J
“walla itha gitla y6la3 ana awareek!”-I threatened and laughed.
As I was laughing, an unknown number was calling.
“agool Jassim, fe an unknown number ga3d ydeg 3alay!”-D
“7a6ay convo”-J
“min9ijk?witha 6la3t rifeejty!”-D
“ok witha 6ila3 rayal ma3arfa?”-D
“ana ajawib”-he answered ib kiiiiiiiiiiiil birooda.
“LA! Ana.. 5alik sakit”-D
I convoed.
“na3am?mino ma3ay?!”-D
“o5och Nawaf!!”-N
“abe ra8m 7abeebch ily shiftah ib McDonalds!”-N
I shut the phone. OK! Mr.Stalker was going beyond his limits.
I stood up,and ran to my car.
Incoming call.Jassim.
“aloo..!”I said devastated.
“wainich?”-J… worried.
“im heading home..”-I answered. My jaw started to wiggle .My tears would come out any minute now.
“riday il jam3aa.”-J
“jassim akalmik ba3dain.”-D
I closed the phone.
DALIA! Ridaay il jam3aa.. 3ashan nitfaham!
JASSIM! No… not now. Ill call you later oo nitfahm!
Lat 5afeen mara7 y9eer shay
Hatha ilay ana 5ayfa min
Lat 7ateen,ill take care of it
I called while I was in a red light.
“shino no?”-J
“ibrasik hosha.. 5ala9 drop it. Its not worth it!”-D
“adree adree, ana bas batfahm ma3a!”-J
“min 9iji?witha yayib ma3a sicheena oo bi8ichk, 3ala sibat shino? Anaa…?”-D
“a7sanly amoot bidal ma ashoof hal zift oo il 7inch yitlazg feech!5an a’adba.. imbayn ina ahala mo imrabeena 3adl, hal jins!”-J
I sobbed.
“5ala9 5ala9, hadday balich… hal dmoo3 ma tiswa. Bas next time he messages goleely! Ana oo rab3y nitfahm ma3a!”-J
“5ala9 a7san”I said, while whipping my tears.
“bashoofich alyom?”-J
I reached home.
“I don’t think im in the mood to go out, sorry. 7ady mishtahya I sit and watch movies”-D
“haha 5ala9 3ayal, tamreeni ibshay?”-J
“lat 9ik il telephone””-D
“hahaha laish?!”-J
“madry… bas.. I feel…hmmm.”-D
“shino hahaa?”-J
“safe”-D….. my face flushed red.
“7ayatiii!! Tara im here for you, daymaaan! 7i6ay hatha ib balich!”-J
“mashkkooor walla matga9err!”-D
“agool Dalolity, ana il7een bil sayara ba7a6ch 3aal speaker, fa itha ma smi3tety 9ooty gooleely!”-J
At 8.
“china ma9a5’naha”I talked, while turning to the to the other side of my bean bag.
“hahah ra7 3alaich il filim!”-J
“Killa minik!”-D
“ana il7een baroo7 il dwainiya”-J
“la2.. I was having fun!”I said in a low voice.
“digeega bas abadel!”-J
“yalla.. 9alaina il 3a9r o il ma’3rb ma3a ba3th.. il7een li3sha.. ya7lailna tara!”-D
“haah eee walla!”-J
I listened to the water drip,I loved him for making me pray, and be close to God. I barely used to pray before, but know.. I just cant miss a prayer.
-we prayed.
“jassim.. I need to pee!”-D
*btw.. we avoided all the calls.. but not messages ;]*
“la fashlaa!”-D
“il7een 6ala3taay kil asrarich oo 3yoobich oo itgoleen fashla”-J
“hahahaha EE! Ba7i6ck yam my childhood teady bear, mara7 a6awl”-D
“ok haha”-J
5 minutes later.
“im back!!!”-D
“ana al7een badish il sayara…”-J
“ana il7een bafich il talfizyoon!”-D
-15 minutes later
“lil asaf”-D
“haha lat 5afeen lail7een mo goodbye!”-J
“messages… shfeech?”-J
“fine…. And I want updates”-D
“haman ana”-J
I smiled.
“yalla bye dalolty”-J
“bye jassommy!”-D
I blushed.
“int akthar..yala alla ma3ak!”-D
“ma3asalama ya 7ilwa!”-J
And we closed the phone.
-I really got to know him, in a day or so.. so much came out of my mouth. I don’t trust easily.. but he was just… special? And trustworthy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

MiAmor[6] Dedicated to: Hi my name is...

Curiosity was screaming Jassim’s name.
“shyaby hatha i6ig ib direshty?”-jassim bawled.
He opened my side of window… 
“ na3am?...5air?”-Jassim strutted.
“la o5oy… bas kint abee .. Dalia!”- he talked with a malevolence and haunted eyes.
Jassim stared at me… now curiosity was spinning in his veins. 
I stared at him, scared… with fright and panic speaking for my eyes.
He closed the window.
The guy tapped on the window, once more again, but this time… his eyebrows were bought together, and a shade of red smoldering his features. His expression, was the most scariest of all appearance’s I have seen in a person.
Jassim, opened the door… and allowed himself out.
“na3am..? shtaby… ?!!” he screamed.
“ABEE DALIA!”-he screamed back.
Ummmmmmm WHAT THE ?
“lo kanat tabeek chan yatlik, bas ma tabeek.. yala ithlif 3an wayhe la a9ikik buks 3ala 9al3itik!”-Jassim heroically advised him.
The guy gave him the most vulnerable stare of all, and walked away, mumbling stuff.
Jassim came in… and asked “ shilsalfa? Shyabe feech hatha!?”
“madry… ma3arfa… a3ti8id hes my stalker, cuz everywhere I go… he would be right behind me.”
“ahaaaaaaaam shay !hahaaay! .. 6a3 hal mostawa hatha… wain ga3deen yubaaa!!”
“adri… shasawi ba3ad… ya3ni im too pretty..” I teased.
He smiled, and nodded.
“tara im joking, lat faker iny ana wayed wath8a ib nafsy.. ana sheefa !!” I scolded with a giggle.
“la bafaker inich wayed wath8a ibnafsich.. lana 9ij.. intay ‘pretty’” he mocked me, and punched me smoothly. 
“hey hey… yi3awer.. tar im fragile”-I hideously joked.
“ la laaaaaa magdar FRAGILE!! Hahha”he laughed,a nd pinched my cheeks.
I liked his laugh.It echoed everywhere, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was in the moon and could still hear it.
“bass 3ad 3an il ti6aniz…ana a7ib il nas il 9are7een tara !” I gagged.
“5ala9 5ala9 im serious!....... haaa raj3eeeeeeen?!”he screamed.
“yalaaaaaa!!” I screamed back.
When we got there, i opened the door and stood opening the passengers door to check if I had missed anything, im the type of person who runs of and leaves her stuff in other people’s homes or cars…etc.
“bil thab6 shga3da saween?”- he laughed
“achayk itha 6aya7t shay…”-I responded.
“la ma athen nisaity shay, a9lan itha nisaytay shay agoolich wayeblich ya bacher !”
“ee ok 3ayal..5ala9!”I talked as I tried to tie my hair in a high bun,  looking more like an alien.
“ok Jassim.. thank you for the brunch.. it was nice getting to know you!”I winked.
Wow, I just did that. After miraculously practiced trying to wink for a thousand years or so…?
“hahah la intay thank you!!...”-he winked back.
“you stole my move… give it back!”- I screamed
“ la mako… hathy 9arat our new greetings”- he laughed.
“fine, bas I do it better than you 3ala fikra… ya3ni!”I teased.
“y9eer 5air.. ni9 i3yonich kanat imgafla.. mo kilha.. fa lat 9adgeen!”- 
I pouted.
He laughed.
I smiled.
He smiled.
We stared.
“hahah ok anyways……. I have to leave.. MY CLASS ya baba!!!” I closed the door, waved goodbye, and ran. Hoping he wouldn’t see me run, just incase I tripped or something.
I sat in class.. sooooooo extremely bored;For I don’t know how many freaking minutes.
I took my phone out and started to message Jassim.
I messaged.
fe wa7da jidamy… 7a6a roob ib i7jab’ha… oo shes covering the board. 

He messaged back
 Fe wa7ed imtani7 ib mobayla.. o he’s drolling.
I messaged
Fe wa7da labsa fa83, shwaya oo iy3amy 3ainy ;p!
He messaged 
Fee wa7da lazm it’hid mobilha oo itrakz
I messaged back
Fe wa7d lazim ma yrid 3alaiha after this message 3ashan tigder itrakz.

He messaged
Hahay;p yalla good luck

I messaged
Tara bas magdar arakz ur distracting my studies

He messaged
Agooooooool!! Askit a7san.

I messaged
LA7THA LA7THA!! Send me ur bbpin.
He messaged 
******** ha.
I took a picture of the cubed girl with the roob in her 7ijab, and sent it to him.
With a text…. “7asait feeny il7een?!!”

He messaged
Miskeena.. mita bit5al9een!?

I messaged
Shakly ba6la3 in like 15 minutes… lana mako fayda min ga3dity.

He messaged
Starbucks ?:)

I messaged
Bas tara malait min wayhick , oo shino bitsaminy ba3aaaaad :P!

He messaged
Starbucks wella agri9 i5dodich tara HAA!!

I laughed… secretly.

I messaged 

He messaged
At8ashmar tara, yala starbucks

I messaged
Yallllllll 7anaaaaaaaa!! *evil laugh*

He messaged
5ala9 za3alteeny chithy tara.
(he took a picture of him with a grumpy face and sent it)
He looked so cute.
I cant believe how we bonded so quickly, I loved it.
The professor talked
“ you are more than welcome to leave, better than distracting the other students who attended to study”- he talked britishly.
I put my hand in my mouth, and screeched “sorry”
I put his grumpy face as my background.lovely.
I left class and messaged
“im counting the steps to starbucks!!!:P”
 He messaged
Fathya :p la la … ashwa .. ya3ni hal face sawa shay.

I messaged
EEEEEEEEE sawa!! 9ar my new background.

He messaged
Happiness is a good health, and a bad memory.
enjoy xx.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The next day, I woke up …extremely early!

Headed off to the bathroom, changed into my white jeans, wore my black(short uggs) and a black turtle neck. Putting my wavy messed up hair down. I cut it, two days ago. It was very long, and I got sick of long hair. So I just cut it up to my neck, with bangs. My hair color was retarded, at night it’s black, but in the morning it would be light brown. And so that goes on to my eyes to, at night its brown, in the morning its hazel. I wore my (ray ban wayfarer rx5121) but I only use them when I read. I applied some blush, and brown eyeliner. Then got out of my room.

I greeted my parents with a kiss on their forehead, and drank milk, then took my (2004 jeep grand Cherokee) keys and headed out to the door.

When I got there, I walked to starbucks to buy me some coffee, so I suggested that I should also get Jassim coffe to.. and so I did.

I walked up the stairs to the library.. sat in one of the tables, started studying a bit of accounting, so I won’t embarrass myself in front of him from not knowing any of the answers.


An hour had passed and he still hasn’t arrived.


1 message received:

    Hey Dalia… sorry, I had soccer practice …and I thought I would finish at 7 since the coach wanted to murder us and made us come at 5 to practice. Anyways, I hope your still in the library, because I’m on my way.



    I’m still in the library(: … I’m dying here to…accounting is ……scary.

1 message

    Yalla I’m on my way to save you;P


Thank god he messaged me, I thought he would ditch me or something… now, now I wouldn’t like that.

    He ran in, with his soccer uniform, and a band in his hair; so his hair won’t annoy him…I’m guessing…


    “JAAAAAAAAAAAD asiff!!!”

    “shta3wa jassim 3adi.. now you’re here so lets get started!”

    “yallah inshala, baas 5aleny ashrb maaay thwany!”


Hi took his water bottle from his bag, and he started drinking so rapidly.





“yala bidaina..?” as he closed the cover of his bottle.

“ee yala!”


2 hours later.

“jassim ta3abt… 3adi na5th break?”

“shrayich inkamla bacher?”

“ee ok..”

“3adel 3ayal”

“ee ba3ad int shaklik ta3ban…ooo nisait!! Ana kint yaybatlik gahwa, bas akeed ibridat!sorry walla nisait 3ana…”

“ya7laich… la 3adi 6awfeeha… tabeen inro7 nakl mokan? Ana misht’hy chithty.. hamburger?shrayich..”



“Sure.. bas la in6awl liana 3andy 7i9a ba3ad sa3tain!”

“ulaaaa sa3tain… yalla bas 3a6eeny digeega aroo7 il 7maam oo abdil hdomy”

“ok, ill meet u in the parking lot”


I went downstairs, to the parking lot. And waited.

He came quickly.. dressed in a navy sweater, and jeans. Still wearing this thing in his head.

Ok now he isn’t hot, hes sexy.

“yala namshy”

“ana la7gitk ib sayarty..”

“ min 9ij? 7asha ta3aly ma3ay…”


“uh.. mm.. ok..” with a hesitation in my voice.

I sat in the passenger seat of his black rang rover.

He opened the fm.. and drove.

“ ha wayn nawya itro7een takleen?”

“shrayik mcdonalds, na5tha take away”


When we got there

“ ha shnawya takleen..i want Large mcchicken with large fries and large coke!”he told the filipino

“mabe shay..”

“la 3ad, bit za3leeny chithy!”

“ la walla maby , shab3ana min il gahwa”

“intay vegetarion?”

“sh3arifik :P”

“guessing.. ok can I have a vegetarion burger with friez and…?shal 3a9eer ily tabena..?”

“gitlik mabe shay ahhaah jad…”*cough*orange*cough”

He laughed.. “orange to go with it.”

We reached to the pay station, and he insisted to pay, but I did not allow that… so he just shoved the money to the Filipino before me.

I gave him the meanest look ever.

“ HAHAHAHAHAH sht3waa !!!!”

“ la wala, mara7 akil chithy!”

“ 3ayal ana ma akil”


“ la mabi 5ala9”

“uf fine fine”

“victory” he winked

I sticked my tongue out.

We got our meals, and he parked the car.

I took off my glasses, and started eating.

“wae3333” I blurted out by mistake..


“ uh .. walashay”

“feeha shay il burger..?”

“la la, bs this person I know and hate is here..”

I turned my face to avoid this person.

“shimsaweelich hatha”he munched his burger

“uh..wala shay . jad forget about it..!”

I was so into my food, before I knew it…


Walaaaaaaaaaaaaiiinn !